Mumbai. Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who is facing various court cases like hit-and-run and blackbuck poaching case, has decided to get married and have kids as soon as possible.
He took this decision after Justice Katju wrote to Maharashtra governor requesting him to pardon Sanjay Dutt, who has been sentenced to five years in jail by the Supreme Court of India.
In his letter, Katju pointed out that Sanjay Dut was married and had got little children, hence he should be pardoned.
“Salman had always feared that he might get astringent punishment in one of the cases, but he saw a ray of hope when Katju wrote that letter. He went through the letter to find out what all it needs to be eligible for being pardoned despite a SC ruling,” a close aide of Salman told Faking News.
Katju has listed six points why Sanjay Dutt should be pardoned, and Salman found that he fulfilled five out of those six criteria.
The first reason cited by Katju was that the incident was old and Sanjay Dutt had suffered a lot during the period, such as going to court often and facing professional problems. Salman too had been doing the rounds of courts and thinks he has suffered a lot.
The second reason cited by Katju pointed out that Sanjay Dutt had already spent some time in jail. Ditto with Salman Khan.
In his fourth point, Katju argues that Sanjay Dutt was not a terrorist; similarly Salman Khan was not a drunk truck driver killing people or an illegal poacher making bucks by killing bucks.
The fifth point put forward by Katju argued that Sanjay Dutt’s parents were good people and had done a lot for the society. Salman scored even here as his father Salim Khan had written the story and dialogs of wonderful movies like Sholay, which helped the Indian society grow and mature.
The sixth and final point mentioned by Justice Katju hinted towards the movie Lage Raho Munnabhai starring Sanjay Dutt, which revived the memory and the message of Gandhiji.
“Well, even Salman Bhai has done movies like Dabangg, which spreads the message of victory of good over evil, and socially responsible movies like Bodyguard, which spreads the message of equality between people despite a person doing menial job – something even Gandhiji said,” the close aide of Salman Khan argued why Sallu bhai was similar to Sanju baba.
“The only point not matching is the third one, where Katju cites Sanjay Dutt being married and having children. Bhai will soon marry and solve this problem,” the aide confirmed.
Source : Fakingnews
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